"I sang the first two verses alone...on top of the world. Every note, every word perfect. Angels wings were certainly holding me up." Walter Cole/Darcelle, Just Call me Darcelle: A Memoir, 2010
Entries for Biography
- Robert Adams (1937-)
- Sebastian C. Adams (1825-1898)
- Obo Addy (1936-2012)
- Art Alexakis (1962-)
- Rex Amos (1935–)
- Katherine Conlee "Kay" Atwood (1942–2014)
- Darrel Austin (1907-1994)
- Jacob Avshalomov (1919-2013)
- Dominique Bachelet (1957–)
- Maud Baldwin (1878-1926)
- Eliza Barchus (1857-1959)
- James Beard (1903-1985)
- "Sweet Baby" James Benton (1930-2016)
- Don Berry (1932–2001)
- Arthur Sylvanus Bimrose (1912-1998)
- Mel Blanc (1908-1989)
- Ernest Bloch (1880-1959)
- Richard “Dick” Bogle (1930–2010)
- Brian Geddes Booth (1936–2012)
- Angus Bowmer (1904-1979)
- Peter Britt (1819-1905)
- Mel Brown (1944-)
- Louise Bryant (1885-1936)
- Louis Bunce (1907-1983)
- Carpenter Foundation and Alfred (1881-1974) & Helen Bundy (1886-1961) Carpenter
- Eva Castellanoz (1939- )
- Betty Chilstrom (1924–2014)
- Walter Cole (Darcelle) (1930-2023)
- Vance DeBar (Pinto) Colvig (1892-1967)
- Anna Belle Crocker (1867–1961)
- Evelyn Crowell (1936–2017)
- Martina Gangle Curl (1906 - 1994)
- Homer Davenport (1867-1912)
- Andries Deinum (1918-1995)
- James DePreist (1936-2013)
- Lloyd Doss (1920-2011)
- Colista Dowling (1881-1968)
- Roger O. Doyle (1939–2012)
- Jack Elam (1920–2003)
- Jack Eyerly (1935–2014)
- Chris Eyre (1968-)
- John Fahey (1939-2001)
- Henry Theophilus Finck (1854–1926)
- Hallie Brown Ford (1905-2007)
- Constance Fowler (1907-1996)
- Joseph T. (Ted) Francis (1900-1999)
- John Edward Frohnmayer (1942-)
- Otto John Frohnmayer (1905–2000)
- Clark Gable in Oregon
- Victor Gardener (Vittore E. Giardinieri) (1909-2006)
- Benjamin A. Gifford (1859–1936)
- Ralph Gifford (1894–1947)
- Gordon Waverly Gilkey (1912–2000)
- Helen Gilkey (1886-1972)
- William Givler (1908-2000)
- Darrell Grant (1962–)
- Rachael Griffin (1906-1983)
- Matthew Abram Groening (1954–)
- Hilmar Grondahl (1899-1984)
- Ruth Dennis Grover (1912-2003)
- Woody Guthrie and the Columbia River
- Carl Hall (1921-1996)
- Hazel Hall (1886-1924)
- Gracie Diana Hansen (1922-1985)
- James Timothy Hardin (1941–1980)
- Virginia Marquette Haseltine (1906–1991)
- Childe Hassam (1859 - 1935)
- Antoinette Marie Kuzmanich Hatfield (1929–)
- Charles Edward Heaney (1897-1981)
- DeVere (1902-1981) and Helen (1907-1989) Helfrich
- Henrietta Henderson Failing (1868-1953)
- William McChord Hurt (1950–2022)
- David Imus (1957–)
- Lawson Fusao Inada (1938-)
- James Ivory (1928-)
- Manuel Izquierdo (1925 - 2009)
- John Jaqua (1920–2009)
- George Johanson (1928-2022)
- Nathalie McDowell Johnson (1959-)
- Clyde Keller (1872-1962)
- Edith Henry Kilbuck (1931–2008)
- Nancy King (1940-)
- William H. Kinross (1846-1913)
- Klondike Kate (1876-1957)
- Richard L. Kohnstamm (1926-2006)
- Marian Wood Kolisch (1920-2008)
- Betty LaDuke (1933-)
- Norman Fowler Leyden (1917-2014)
- Frederic Littman (1907-1979)
- Percy Manser (1886-1973)
- Ben Maxwell (1898-1967)
- Marianne Mayfield (Hill) (1936-2004)
- William McClendon (1915-1996)
- Anne Kutka McCosh (1902-1994)
- David McCosh (1903-1981)
- Eloise Jarvis McGraw (1915–2000)
- Barbara McLarty (1919-)
- William James (Jack) McLarty (1919-2011)
- Thara John Memory (1948-2017)
- Bonnie Merrill (1935–2019)
- Paul Richard Meyer (1925–2020)
- Paul Missal (1941–)
- Daniela Naomi Molnar (1979–)
- Glen Moore (1941-)
- Thomas Leander Moorhouse (1850-1926)
- Hilda Morris (1911-1991)
- Kim Novak (1933-)
- Jack Ohman (1960-)
- Henk Pander (1937-2023)
- Eunice Lulu Parsons (1916–)
- Albert Patecky (1906-1994)
- William Patton (1927-2011)
- Reinhard G. Pauly (1920–2019)
- Jim Pepper (1941-1992)
- Toni Pimble (1953–)
- Lillian Pitt (1944-)
- Jane Powell (1929–2021)
- Clayton Sumner (C.S.) Price (1874-1950)
- Alexander Phimister Proctor (1860-1950)
- Johnnie Ray (1927-1990)
- Janet Reed (1916-2000)
- Lloyd Reynolds (1902–1978)
- Clyde Rice (1903-1998)
- Helmuth Rilling (1933-)
- Regina Dorland Robinson (1891-1917)
- Ariel Rubstein (1899–1997)
- H. Royce Saltzman (1928-2023)
- Nelson Sandgren (1917-2006)
- Allen Say (1937-)
- Arlene Schnitzer (1929–2020)
- Jacqueline Schumacher (1920-2019)
- Mildred Schwab (1917-1999)
- Janice Scroggins (1955-2014)
- Gilbert S. Seeley (1938-)
- Doc Severinsen (1927- )
- Wilma Froman Sheridan (1926–2023)
- Boris Sirpo (1893–1967)
- Margery Hoffman Smith (1888-1981)
- Amanda Snyder (1894-1980)
- Esperanza Spalding (1984-)
- Mark Sponenburgh (1918-2012)
- John Mix Stanley (1814-1872)
- Mary Perry Stone (1909-2007)
- Thelma Johnson Streat (1912-1959)
- Tomas Svoboda (1939-2022)
- Carrie Phinney Sweetser (1863-1952)
- Lauren B. Sykes (1905-1980)
- Sahomi Tachibana (1924–)
- Terry Toedtemeier (1947–2008)
- S. John Trudeau (1927-2008)
- Jerry Turner (1927-2004)
- Gus Van Sant (1952-)
- Leroy Vinnegar (1928 – 1999)
- William Gale "Will" Vinton (1947–2018)
- Maude Walling Wanker (1882 - 1970)
- Gertrude Bass Warner (1863-1951)
- Carleton Emmons Watkins (1829-1916)
- Lily Edith White (1866-1944)
- Minor White (1908-1976)
- Grace Wick (1888-1958)
- Harry Widman (1929-2014)
- Eddie Wied (1925 - 2007)
- Myra Albert Wiggins (1869-1956)
- Lucia Wiley (1906-1998)
- Richard Henderson Wiley (1919-2013)
- Cleve Williams (1930-2007)
- Melville Wire (1877-1966)
- Virginia Euwer Wolff (1937-)
- C.E.S. Wood (1852-1944)
- Jan Zach (1914–1986)
- C. Robert Zimmerman (1918–2001)
Entries for Biota
Entries for Event
- Albany Arts Festival
- Ashland Independent Film Festival
- Britt Music Festival
- Children's Festival
- Dorothea Lange in Oregon
- The FisherPoets Gathering
- Oregon Bach Festival
- Oregon Coast Music Festival
- Oregon Country Fair
- Portland Rose Festival
- Queen Marie of Romania's 1926 visit to Oregon
- Pete Seeger in Oregon
- Tamkaliks Celebration and Friendship Feast
- Vortex I music festival
- William Byrd Festival
Entries for Group
- Bach Cantata Choir
- The Bohemians
- Cappella Romana
- Festival Chorale Oregon
- Floater
- KGW Hoot Owls
- The Kingsmen
- Oregon (music group)
- Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Association
- Oregon Repertory Singers
- Oregon Society of Artists
- Paul Revere and the Raiders
- Portland Gay Men's Chorus
- Portland Symphonic Girlchoir
- Portland Taiko
- Royal Rosarians
- Sagebrush Symphony
Entries for Institution
- The Arts Center
- ArtSpace
- Blackstone Audio, Inc.
- Chautauqua in Oregon
- Chehalem Cultural Center
- Dark Horse Comics
- Elgin Opera House
- Friends of Chamber Music
- Hallie Ford Museum of Art
- Hoyt Hotel
- Ikebana International, Portland Chapter
- Jazz de Opus
- Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
- M & A Shogren
- Milagro Theatre
- Oregon and the Film Industry
- Oregon Ballet Theatre
- Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- Pacific Northwest College of Art
- Pacific Stoneware
- Pendleton Woolen Mills
- Portland Art Association
- Portland Art Museum
- Portland Civic Theatre
- Portland Symphonic Choir
- Portland Youth Philharmonic
- Rental Sales Gallery (Portland Art Museum)
- Schneider Museum of Art
- Star Theater
- Storefront Theatre
- Tower Theatre
- Whiteside Theatre
- X-Ray Cafe
Entries for Miscellany
- Afro-American Heritage Bicentennial Commemorative Quilt
- Animal House (film)
- City Girl (film)
- Crisis in the Klamath Basin (documentary film)
- The General (film)
- Kalapuya Man Drawing
- Native American Art of the Wapato Valley
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (film)
- Oregon, My Oregon (state song)
- Pollution in Paradise (documentary film)
- Oregon Trail quilts
- Rock Art
- Stand By Me (film)
- The Goonies (Film)
- The Way West (film)
Entries for Place
- 24 Hour Church of Elvis
- Ashland
- Astoria Column
- Aurora
- Bagdad Theater
- Beverly Cleary Sculpture Garden
- Blackfish Gallery
- Capitol Theater (Salem)
- Civilian Public Service Camp #56
- Columbia River Gorge
- Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater at the Collier Center
- DeMoss Springs Park
- Donner und Blitzen River
- The Dude Ranch
- Egyptian Theatre
- Elsinore Theater
- Guild Theater
- Hollywood Theatre
- Houston Opera House
- Japanese American Historical Plaza (Portland)
- Joseph (town)
- Liberty Theater (La Grande)
- Portland Paramount Theatre/Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
- Portlandia
- Reed Opera House
- Rogue Theatre
- Venetian Theater