Climate Change in Oregon
"On a statewide level, Oregon is becoming warmer and drier....Without significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, Oregon's annual temperature is projected to increase by 5ºF by mid-century and by 8.2ºF by the 2080s....This level of warming is expected to exacerbate impacts to the natural and human environments that have already started to manifest in the state." OCCRI Climate Assessment, 2023
Entries for Biography
- Dominique Bachelet (1957–)
- Winona LaDuke (1959-)
- Jane Ann Lubchenco (1947–)
- Stephen Rogers McCarthy (1943–2023)
- Daniela Naomi Molnar (1979–)
- Warren Morton Washington (1936–)
Entries for Biota
- Assisted Plant Migration
- Camas
- Endangered Klamath suckers
- Harmful Algae Blooms in Oregon
- Marbled Murrelet
- Oregon Forests and Climate Change
- Pika
- Salmon
- Sitka spruce
- Skunk Cabbage
- Tules
- Wheat Farming in Oregon
- Whitebark pine
Entries for Event
- Climate Change in Oregon
- The 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave (Heat Dome)
- The Blob: Impacts of the 2013-2016 Marine Heatwave on Oregon
- The Northern Great Basin During the Ice Age
Entries for Group
Entries for Institution
- Bonneville Power Administration
- Energy Trust of Oregon
- Hatfield Marine Science Center and Visitor Center
- Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Oregon Global Warming Commission
- Pacific Northwest–Southwest Intertie
Entries for Miscellany
- Climate Change and the History of Energy in Oregon
- Droughts in Oregon
- Juliana v. United States
- Oregon Natural Resources Council v. John R. Block
- Pleistocene Pluvial Lakes
- Redlining and Climate-Related Heat
- Reuse and Restore Movement in Portland