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2065 results
  • 1000 Friends of Oregon

    1000 Friends of Oregon was founded in 1975 by Governor Tom McCall and attorney Henry Richmond as a nonprofit watchdog organization advocating for and ensuring …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • 14th Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution declared that the federal government would guarantee the rights of citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • 15th Amendment

    Civil War Reconstruction arguably culminated with the Fifteenth Amendment. Ratified in 1870, a year after Congress had passed it, the amendment stated that voting rights …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • 1st Oregon Volunteer Infantry

    During the 1860s, the major military-Indian conflicts of the Pacific Northwest were in the Great Basin and Snake River areas of southeastern Oregon and southern …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • 24 Hour Church of Elvis

    For three decades, one of the best known and quirkiest Portland tourist attractions was the 24 Hour Church of Elvis. The creation of artist Stephanie …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • 2nd Oregon Volunteer Infantry

    Relations between the United States and Spain were already strained over control of Cuba and its resources when the battleship USS Maine mysteriously exploded in …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • 41st Infantry Division

    The 41st Division of the Army National Guard was organized on July 18, 1917, at Camp Greene, North Carolina, under the command of Major General …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Aaron B. Lerner (1920-2007)

    The man known as the “dean of pigmentation,” Aaron Bunsen Lerner, spent three years in Oregon doing research that proved vital in understanding mammalian skin …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Abert Rim

    Abert Rim rises from the desert floor in southern Lake County like a giant, looming wall. It is one of the most formidable and longest …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Abigail Scott Duniway (1834-1915)

    Outspoken and often controversial, Abigail Scott Duniway is remembered as Oregon's Mother of Equal Suffrage and "the pioneer Woman Suffragist of the great Northwest." As …

    Oregon Encyclopedia