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55 results
  • Latinos in Oregon

    The arrival of Latinos in Oregon began with Spanish explorations in the sixteenth century. In 1542-1543, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, sailing from the port of Navidad …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Fort Umpqua (HBC fort, 1836-1853)

    Fort Umpqua was a small but important post in the Hudson’s Bay Company’s fur-trade empire in the Oregon Country. The farthest south of the …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Salmon

    The word “salmon” originally referred to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), a species native to the North Atlantic rim and Arctic Ocean above Western …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Reuben C. Sanders (1876–1957)

    Reuben “Reub” C. Sanders was one of Oregon’s greatest all-around athletes. He lived for most of his life in Salem, where he played and coached …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Peter Skene Ogden (1790-1854)

    More than any other figure during the years of the Pacific Northwest's beaver trade, Peter Skene Ogden epitomized that endeavor's transcontinental reach, its rapacious competition …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Whitman Murders

    The 1847 murders of frontier missionaries Marcus and Narcissa Whitman near the confluence of the Columbia and Walla Walla Rivers brought the Oregon Territory under …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Nasomah Massacre of 1854

    Early explorers noted plankhouse structures up and down the Southern Oregon coast and at the mouth of the Coquille River. It may have been Spanish …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Joseph Lane (1801-1881)

    Joseph Lane was the first governor of Oregon Territory. A leading Democrat, he was a U.S. senator and candidate for vice president in 1860. Fiercely …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Halito (Chief Halo) (?-1892)

    Chief Halito, commonly shortened to Chief Halo (meaning “having little” or “needing little”), was leader of the Yoncalla Kalapuya tribe and was married to Du-Ni-Wi, …

    Oregon Encyclopedia

  • Luther Cressman (1897-1994)

    Known as the father of Oregon archaeology and anthropology, Luther Cressman conducted pioneering archaeological work in the 1930s through the 1960s and established the broad …

    Oregon Encyclopedia