Priscilla Wegars

Priscilla Wegars, Ph.D. (History, University of Idaho), is a historian, historical archaeologist, artifact analyst, editor, and proofreader. She founded the University of Idaho’s Asian American Comparative Collection (AACC), a unique resource of artifacts, images, and documentary materials essential for understanding Asian American archaeological sites, economic contributions, and cultural history. She edited Hidden Heritage: Historical Archaeology of the Overseas Chinese (1993) and co-edited Chinese American Death Rituals: Respecting the Ancestors (2005). Priscilla wrote two books on Idaho’s World War II Kooskia Internment Camp, Imprisoned in Paradise (2010) and As Rugged as the Terrain (2013). Her current project is a biography of Polly Bemis, a Chinese American pioneer.

Author's Entries

  • The Myth of Chinese Tunnels in Pendleton

    Pendleton is one of several Oregon communities rumored to have underground passageways that were built and occupied by Chinese residents during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Since the late 1980s, tourism, media depictions, and works of fiction have promoted and embellished these rumors to the extent that certain …

    Oregon Encyclopedia