Larry Morris

Larry E. Morris was born and raised in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and received an MA in American Literature from Brigham Young University. He has published in such periodicals as the Missouri Historical Review and We Proceeded On. He is the author of The Fate of the Corps: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the Expedition and The Perilous West: Seven Amazing Explorers and the Founding of the Oregon Trail and co-author of Gloomy Terrors and Hidden Fires: John Colter and the Mystery of Yellowstone. His book The Great Montana-Yellowstone Earthquake of 1959 is forthcoming from the History Press. 

Author's Entries

  • Astor Expedition (1810-1813)

    The Astor Expedition was a grand, two-pronged mission, involving scores of men, that attempted to establish a worldwide trading network centered at present-day Astoria. Although the ambitious enterprise was ultimately doomed by the War of 1812, it left a lasting impact on Oregon history. Fort Astoria, the trading post …

    Oregon Encyclopedia